Wednesday, January 25, 2017

w. 4 - Cold War

On Friday, 27 Jan., we'll start working with the Cold War. I'm going to start a list of words that are relevant to this unit -- which will have many terms that are needed to work with the material in it. I'll keep this list at the top of the blog.

Cold War terms:

  • anti-Semitism
  • Soviet Union, USSR, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
  • xenophobia - främlingsfientlighet
  • acquisition - förvärv
  • annex - add to one's own territory through appropriation (taking)
  • prosperity - välstånd; prosperous     
  • atrocity/atrocities - illdåd
  • ally/allies, the Allies
  • alliance
  • charter (kontrakt)
  • treaty (avtal, pakt)
  • devastate - ödelägga
  • seize 
  • Holocaust - Förintelsen
  • ideology
  • reform
  • satellite (used to talk about countries in associated with the Soviet Union.) (definition:   something that is separated from or on the periphery of something else but is nevertheless dependent on or controlled by it: satellite offices in London and New York.
  • reparations - gottgörelse
  • armaments - rustningar
  • occupation
  • currency - valuta
  • dissolution - upplösning
  • bloc - block (Soviet bloc - Sovjetblocket)



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