Friday, January 27, 2017

w. 5 - Cold War - Russian Revolution - Atlantic Charter

Words for FRIDAY, 3 February. See below for slides.

trade barrier
Iron Curtain

Winston Churchill
FDR, Franklin D. Roosevelt
Josef Stalin
Harry Truman  

On Friday we discussed the following:

- the Soviet-German non-Aggression Pact (1939)
- the Katyn Massacre (1940)
- the 1941 German invasion of the Soviet Union
- the Atlantic Charter (1941)
- overall death figures for WWII, where the Soviet Union had a loss of life of over 20 million people
- and we started talking about Germany and its role in a post-WWII Europe

We also line up the Allies and the Axis powers of WWII

Allies: GB, France, U.S., USSR
Axis: Germany, Italy, Japan

MONDAY, 30 Jan., we'll talk about the Russian Revolution and the Soviet Union. There are  discussed in Chapter 30, Sections 1 & 2.

Here are terms connected to that event.

legislature (the body of the government that makes laws)
civil war
Red Army (Bolsheviks)
White Army (supports the czar)
provisional (temporary)
captialist, capitalism 
collectivism, collective farms
command economy /planned economy
five-year plan

Names we'll discuss
Czar Nicholas II (Romanov)
Vladimir Lenin
Josef Stalin
Leon Trotsky 
Karl Marx
Friedrich Engels 


bodies from the Katyn Massacre in Poland, 1940

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

w. 4 - Cold War

On Friday, 27 Jan., we'll start working with the Cold War. I'm going to start a list of words that are relevant to this unit -- which will have many terms that are needed to work with the material in it. I'll keep this list at the top of the blog.

Cold War terms:

  • anti-Semitism
  • Soviet Union, USSR, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
  • xenophobia - främlingsfientlighet
  • acquisition - förvärv
  • annex - add to one's own territory through appropriation (taking)
  • prosperity - välstånd; prosperous     
  • atrocity/atrocities - illdåd
  • ally/allies, the Allies
  • alliance
  • charter (kontrakt)
  • treaty (avtal, pakt)
  • devastate - ödelägga
  • seize 
  • Holocaust - Förintelsen
  • ideology
  • reform
  • satellite (used to talk about countries in associated with the Soviet Union.) (definition:   something that is separated from or on the periphery of something else but is nevertheless dependent on or controlled by it: satellite offices in London and New York.
  • reparations - gottgörelse
  • armaments - rustningar
  • occupation
  • currency - valuta
  • dissolution - upplösning
  • bloc - block (Soviet bloc - Sovjetblocket)