Saturday, April 8, 2017

w. 14 - present /future + free trade pros and cons

List of free trade (pros and cons) + Information to help you with "present" and "future" goals

If you are still working on demonstrating skills of connecting the past with the present, read the text below, and consider the question:

How can the economic and/or political policies of the Cold War be connected to Europe today?
-       For an E, you present one example of how historical developments of the past can be understood to be connected to today, and you provide a logical possible development for the future.
-       For a C, you present two examples of how historical developments of the past can be understood to be connected today, and you provide one logical possible development for the future
-       For an A, you present two examples of how historical developments of the past can be understood to be connected today, and you provide two logical possible developments for the future.

Please provide some specific example to illustrate your point – so that you are not merely copying what I have written below.

Bring in relevant terms into your discussion, for example: capitalism, market economy, communism, planned/command economy, liberal democracy (democratic political systems), free trade, NATO, Cold War, Iron Curtain.

During this year, you have
- built up the ability to select and use different sources,
- understand basic historical time periods
- use different historical terms
- see different perspectives
- discuss different processes of change
- discuss and explain causes and consequences connected to processes of change.

With these skills, you want to now be able to understand how events of the past are connected to the world today (the present). That is, you want to see that history is relevant to creating the world you live in today.

At a basic level, this is fairly easy to do with the Cold War material you are currently working with. Because we have seen the outcomes of the different economic and trade policies of East and West since the late 1940s, we can see how eastern and western Europe developed differently during the Cold War.

The economic developments of the West led to enormous prosperity. States in western Europe participated in the Marshall Plan, but probably more importantly, they adopted various degrees of free market strategies (capitalism) and they freely traded with one another and encouraged private businesses. They also developed democratic systems.

These countries that traded with each other and embraced democratic systems eventually built up the EU.  

The wealth that developed in the West during the Cold War is still in many ways seen in the economic strength of western states today. And those countries that were behind the Iron Curtain have been able to make new economic and political decisions since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 and the end of the Cold War. But even 26 years later, these countries are still catching up with the West economically.

Some of the key problems for the countries that were behind the Iron Curtain were
-lack of free institutions
-no free elections

Today most of the former communist countries have free markets, although they don’t necessarily function quite the same as free markets in western European countries because of high levels of corruption. And democratic institutions, such as a free press and free of speech, don’t necessarily work as well as in countries such as Sweden and France and Great Britain.

So you can see connections between the past and the present. But what about the future? For example, based on what you know about the past, do you think that eastern Europe will continue to embrace capitalism and democratic systems? 

Places such as Russia, which experienced freedom of information and free (or at least freer) elections after 1991, have seen in the past fifteen years greater and greater restrictions on democratic institutions. Freedom of the press is becoming more and more limited. Free elections do not exist because political candidates are frequently imprisoned or killed.

Russia is not in the EU and is not in NATO. But most of the other European countries that used to be behind the Iron Curtain are now in the EU and NATO (or are trying to get into to both). (Belarus and Ukraine are clear exceptions.) On the other hand, Great Britain is in the process of leaving the EU (but not NATO). What sort of arguments can you make about where Europe will develop in the future – based on what you know about the past and the present?

The table below is for those who feel that they would like to better understand issues connected to free trade. I'll remind you that there is no country where there are no taxes on imports and exports. Every country has tariffs on goods imported into their country. But some have lower tariffs and regulations, thus encouraging trade. Today, the U.S. has some of the lowest import taxes -- but it still has tariffs and laws regulating imports.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

w. 12 - NATO + Warsaw Pact

Here is some material that we used in class on Friday, 24 March

The informational video about NATO

Sunday, March 12, 2017

w. 11

After our enriching week in Berlin, it's time to get back in the saddle and continue with our unit on the Cold War.

We lose Monday's lesson to the studiedag. So Friday is our first lesson, and we will be starting with the Marshall Plan speech, and then we will read the Soviet response to the Marshall Plan. You will find both of these in one document on Vklass. If you find that you usually need a little extra time to read English texts, you can go ahead and get a head start on the MP text.

Also, surprise! -- well, not really, because I'm telling you here -- there will be a little map quiz on Friday. So have a look at Europe during the Cold War.

Marshall Plan

Here's a documentary about the Marshall Plan:

The Cold War and the Olympics

While in Berlin, we heard from one museum (maybe it was the Stasi Museum, so then it would be only Sa that heard this, I'm not sure) about the state-sponsored doping programs that East Germany had. The links below will lead you to some wonderful graphics that compare the number of medals won by each country. First off, I'll note that sports, and the Olympics in particular, became one of the fields where Cold War adversaries tried to outdo their "enemies," so sports became very serious business in the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. In the countries behind the Iron Curtain, the government was in charge of the various training programs for the Olympic teams. In the U.S., however, the coaches and training programs were not under the management of the government.

The winter Olympics, from 1924 to 2010 (which is the last time I found this graph).
The summer Olympics, from 1896 to 2008

In these graphics, look at what happens to  East Germany from the 1968 to 1980. During these years, France and Great Britain had populations more than three times that of East Germany. Today we know that state-sponsored doping was behind the remarkable improvement in East German performances.

If you scroll down below the graphic, you can find a list of the medal breakdown for each country.

As a side note, you can look at the state-sponsored doping that appears to still be going on in Russia, as many sources have presented over the past year.

Here's a screen shot of the graphic -- but you can make it "play," so that the bubbles move and change from year to year.

Friday, February 3, 2017

w. 6

words for w. 6

occupation zones
atomic bomb

Iron Curtain
Truman Doctrine
U.S. Congress (United States' bicameral legislative body)
Winston Churchill
Harry Truman

Friday, January 27, 2017

w. 5 - Cold War - Russian Revolution - Atlantic Charter

Words for FRIDAY, 3 February. See below for slides.

trade barrier
Iron Curtain

Winston Churchill
FDR, Franklin D. Roosevelt
Josef Stalin
Harry Truman  

On Friday we discussed the following:

- the Soviet-German non-Aggression Pact (1939)
- the Katyn Massacre (1940)
- the 1941 German invasion of the Soviet Union
- the Atlantic Charter (1941)
- overall death figures for WWII, where the Soviet Union had a loss of life of over 20 million people
- and we started talking about Germany and its role in a post-WWII Europe

We also line up the Allies and the Axis powers of WWII

Allies: GB, France, U.S., USSR
Axis: Germany, Italy, Japan

MONDAY, 30 Jan., we'll talk about the Russian Revolution and the Soviet Union. There are  discussed in Chapter 30, Sections 1 & 2.

Here are terms connected to that event.

legislature (the body of the government that makes laws)
civil war
Red Army (Bolsheviks)
White Army (supports the czar)
provisional (temporary)
captialist, capitalism 
collectivism, collective farms
command economy /planned economy
five-year plan

Names we'll discuss
Czar Nicholas II (Romanov)
Vladimir Lenin
Josef Stalin
Leon Trotsky 
Karl Marx
Friedrich Engels 


bodies from the Katyn Massacre in Poland, 1940

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

w. 4 - Cold War

On Friday, 27 Jan., we'll start working with the Cold War. I'm going to start a list of words that are relevant to this unit -- which will have many terms that are needed to work with the material in it. I'll keep this list at the top of the blog.

Cold War terms:

  • anti-Semitism
  • Soviet Union, USSR, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
  • xenophobia - främlingsfientlighet
  • acquisition - förvärv
  • annex - add to one's own territory through appropriation (taking)
  • prosperity - välstånd; prosperous     
  • atrocity/atrocities - illdåd
  • ally/allies, the Allies
  • alliance
  • charter (kontrakt)
  • treaty (avtal, pakt)
  • devastate - ödelägga
  • seize 
  • Holocaust - Förintelsen
  • ideology
  • reform
  • satellite (used to talk about countries in associated with the Soviet Union.) (definition:   something that is separated from or on the periphery of something else but is nevertheless dependent on or controlled by it: satellite offices in London and New York.
  • reparations - gottgörelse
  • armaments - rustningar
  • occupation
  • currency - valuta
  • dissolution - upplösning
  • bloc - block (Soviet bloc - Sovjetblocket)